
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Zizek and his constructs: A short annotation

In Zizek's terms, Leninism is a convenient praxis as a revolutionary sign for the contemporary micro-politics  Removing the crux of the scientific socialism posited by Lenin, he is signified as a mere priest with rhetoric merits. In his annotations, 'Revolution at the Gates', Zizek tries to create a contradiction alias wedge in Marxist theory by denoting Marx as a Euro-centrist based on his personal letters, at the same time not criticizing him for it, just like pardoning him off!

Zizek thus becomes a sublime example for the misinterpretations of epistemology for the deconstruction of Marxism. Marx and Freud are deconstructed using Lacanian framework to derive the new thesis of imperialism. Thus , interpolating ideology in the name of epistemology a new thesis of imperialism is born!.

Zizek uses Lacan who formulated psychoanalysis and hypothesized it into three orders :
Imaginary order, Symbolic order and the Order of the real;

Zizek uses the term, little Other and the big Other; This is nothing but an attempt to mystify the contours of subjectivity of modern psyche. Thus it is a post-structuralist attempt to create mechanical formal-isms within the contexts of subjectivity. Zizek goes further from Lacan who divulges in mechanical relativism of language systems and introduces the rhetoric of ambiguity in the linguistic terrains.

Zizek as the philosopher of the real: When all the philosophers tried to theorize the relation between Symbolic and the Imaginary, Zizek tried to find the relationship between the real and the symbolic.

He takes on Cartesian philosophy and tries to dissect the notion of 'Individual'. This is nothing but an attempt to germinate the thought even at the individual level.

Zizek, and his parallax view is nothing but the blatant negation of the dialectical logic.

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